The Jacksonville Rotary Club recently donated more than $2,000 in books to students and teachers at South School in Jacksonville. At the school’s Teacher Appreciation event on May 7, Rotary President Ginny Fanning, and other Rotarians who regularly volunteer at South School, presented baskets of books to every South School teacher for use in their classrooms.
Rotarian Penny Mitchell, who applied to Rotary District 6460 for the $2,158 grant that funded the 2018 book program, said, “The club has been able to conduct literacy projects at South School for several years with the help of grants from our Rotary District.”
According to Rotarian Linda Grojean, this grant-supported book presentation program is just one facet of a strong and vibrant Business Education Partnership between the club and the school. “We have a dedicated group of Rotarians who each volunteer up to four hours per week at South School. Rotarians serve as tutors, classroom assistants, reading buddies, and mentors, supporting students as they improve their reading and math skills, and helping the teachers as needed in their classrooms. The Jacksonville Area Chamber of Commerce facilitates this valuable partnership between Rotary and South School.”
Mitchell said, “Rotary guest readers presented four new books to every second grade student in March. The books are theirs to take home so they can practice reading skills with family members. Our goal is to help the children develop a personal library and a lifelong love of reading.”
This year’s guest readers were Rotary Club president Ginny Fanning, president-elect Daphne Spradlin and her husband Jess Spradlin, Cathy Jo Littleton-Wahl, and Benedict an exchange student from Germany who is being sponsored by the club this year. Benedict also answered questions from the students about his home country and his experiences during his year-long exchange program in the United States.
Fanning said, “We also presented Principal Kelly Zoellner with books that were signed by, and donated in honor of, every guest speaker who made a presentation at a noon Rotary meeting since July 1, 2017.”
Over the past decade, the club has provided books to students in all grades, an iPad mobile lab stocked with iPads for students to use in class, Staples gift cards for teachers to buy classroom supplies, an air purifier and medical supplies for the school nurse’s office, a copy machine, and support for other needs identified by the school. Rotarians help to staff Carnival nights and family events at the school. South School educators reciprocate by volunteering at Oktoberfest, and supporting other club fundraisers.
Fanning said, “The Jacksonville Rotary Club is grateful to the Jacksonville Area Chamber of Commerce for facilitating this valuable partnership with South School.” Grojean also thanked South School principal Kelly Zoellner and school liaison Jennifer Hornbeek for leading the school’s participation in the partnership.