Don’t miss the Jacksonville Fourth of July parade, sponsored by the Jacksonville Rotary Club. The parade kicks of at 10 on July 3 on West State Street, travels down West State to Central Park, and ends at Douglas Ave. Don’t miss the annual event!
THEMEĀ āStronger Together, Stronger Than Everā
Registration Begins on July 3, 2021, at 8:30 AM and runs until 9:45 AM. Registration entry point is on Westgate at the Fairgrounds gate on Horsebarn Road, closest to the Extension Office (104 N Westgate Ave). There will be a limited contact registration, with numbers being assigned the day of the parade. Lineup will be along Horsebarn Road on the fairgrounds. Floats and long vehicles must arrive by 9:00 a.m. 1 person with each entry is required to check in to receive a parade number and last minute information. For entries with multiple vehicles, all vehicles MUST check in TOGETHER.
The parade will originate on Grand Ave (Morgan County Fairground gate) headed east on W State Street to Central Park, turning right and proceeding counter clockwise around Central Park Plaza, then turning right onto N Main Street. Entries may disperse East or West onto Douglas Avenue or North on Main Street.