The Rotary Club of Jacksonville invites the public to participate in its Fabulous February Fun-raiser. The event will include daily Facebook auctions on the club’s Facebook page, “Rotary Club of Jacksonville #3227.” Auctions will begin on February 1 and likely continue into March.
The fundraiser committee chair, Rotarian Samantha Boston, said, “Please ‘Like’ our club page on Facebook so you can receive alerts about each daily auction. Anyone can bid on these auctions by commenting with the dollar amount of their bid. Auctions will conclude each day at 5:00 p.m. Please be generous with your bids so our club can continue to support the Jacksonville community.”
The 2022 Fabulous February Fun-raiser netted more than $9,000. The proceeds of the 2023 auctions will support the Rotary Club of Jacksonville and the Jacksonville Rotary Club Foundation in their community donations, including college scholarships, youth exchange, Rotaract and Interact programs, Ferris wheel operation, RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards), and contributions in support of South Elementary School teachers and students, as well as donations to Prairieland United Way and many other community service organizations.