Club Provides Books to South School

The Jacksonville Rotary Club recently conducted a program that provided four books to each second grade student at South Elementary School in Jacksonville. The program was made possible by a $2,162 Rotary District 6460 Literacy Grant. As the students received their books, guest readers presented the book by reading it...

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Rotary Trees to be Recipient of Cardinal Game Proceeds

The Jacksonville Rotary Club ‘Rotary Trees’ project is proud to be the charity recipient of Jacksonville Night at Busch Stadium on Saturday, June 1. All proceeds of this year’s event will go toward the Jacksonville Rotary Tree Project. Jacksonville’s historic streets were once tree-lined with majestic, large shade trees. Over...

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Jacksonville Rotary Club Foundation Hosts Public Valentine Event

The Jacksonville Rotary Club Foundation invites the community to attend the One Love Charity Gala, which will be held on Friday, February 8, 2019 at Hamilton’s. According to event chairperson Jenna Tucker, “We are adding a fresh twist to our annual Valentine’s event. In addition to supporting local charitable giving,...

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Jacksonville Rotary Club Planting Trees in the City

Jacksonville residents may notice a number of newly planted trees adorned with green ribbons in locations around the city. According to Jacksonville Rotary Club Tree Committee chair Mike Flynn, these trees have been funded by public donations to the Jacksonville Rotary Foundation, and are being planted by Rotarians and other...

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Club Voted “Best Community Supporter”

The Jacksonville Rotary Club was pleased to be voted “Best Community Supporter” in the Jacksonville Journal Courier’s Readers’ Choice Awards! We are honored to be recognized for this award, and are happy to share this recognition with the Jacksonville Kiwanis Club. Both clubs strive to make Jacksonville a better place...

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Club Inducts New President and Board, Donates $115,000 in Past Year

The Jacksonville Rotary Club donated more than $115,000 to the local community in 2017-18. These donations resulted from Jacksonville Rotary Club’s fundraising efforts, community support, and collaboration with the Jacksonville Rotary Foundation. In her last meeting at the helm of the Jacksonville Rotary Club, President Ginny Fanning said, “Our major...

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Jacksonville Rotary Club Donates Books to South School

The Jacksonville Rotary Club recently donated more than $2,000 in books to students and teachers at South School in Jacksonville. At the school’s Teacher Appreciation event on May 7, Rotary President Ginny Fanning, and other Rotarians who regularly volunteer at South School, presented baskets of books to every South School...

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Putting the “Elm” back in the Elm City

The Jacksonville Rotary Club is undertaking a tree-planting campaign that aims to put the Elm back into the city’s historical nickname of Elm City. According to Rotarian Mike Flynn, “For years, Jacksonville was widely known as the Elm City because of our beautiful tree-lined streets and wooded parks. Over time,...

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Tickets Now on Sale for Feb. 9 Rotary Valentine Dinner-Dance

If you’re looking for a fun way to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your sweetheart or friends, we have the ticket for you!  You are invited to the 16th annual Rotary Valentine Dinner-Dance on February 9 with the theme “An Evening in Paris” and music by FunDMC. Cocktails will begin at 5:30 p.m....

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Rotary Conducts Service Project at Eisenhower School

The Jacksonville Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact Clubs are collaborating with the Jacksonville School District to improve educational services for K-6 children on the autism spectrum.Today Rotary members and Eisenhower School educators cleaned equipment and painted two classrooms. The school district will install new carpeting next week. Then, in early January,...

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